Johnny Carson – Served in the Navy

John Carson is recognized as a comedian and a TV host however, he also served in the military, specifically the Navy in 1943. He was an apprentice shipman and became a middle Shipman as he progressed. He served in USS Pennsylvania in the Pacific Ocean, While Carson never had the opportunity to pursue his degree, he did entertain felly navy seals while encrypting coded messages.

Mr. T – Served as a Military Policeman

Who can forget BA Baracus or Mr. T from the A-Team! BA was quite an intimidating character in the popular television series, but Mr. T really did serve in the Military Police Corps and was recognized as a top trainee in his cycle. No wonder, he’s certainly got the right attitude for the job! Well—not always. There was a time when he, as a form of military punishment, he had to chop down trees using only his hands. When he was called back, he had cut down approximately 70 trees! Strength and discipline—his main investments when it comes to his craft, after all.

Mel Brookes – Part of the Combat Engineers

Mel Brookes never suffered bankruptcy or hit the tabloids for any scandals and we can, perhaps, attribute this to the discipline he learned while he was in the military. Did you know that the comedian and actor were highly trained in defusing the German mines? These are skills he put to good use during the Second World War and the Battle of Baluge. In 1944 he had hoped to pursue an academic degree while attending college but got drafted into the army instead. Once he completed his training, he became an 1104 Engineer Combat Battalion Corporal. He later became an actor, with a 70-year career.

Don Rickles – Joined the Navy

Don Rickles is a popular comedian but also served his time in the US Navy. Once he completed high school in 1941, he went onto serve as a professional seaman for the torpedo boat tender USS Cyrene for 5 years. In 1946 he was honorably discharged. Despite Rickles having passed in 2017 owing to kidney failure, by the age of 90 years, he had the chance to continue his studies in entertainment and became a famous comedian. His investments are to the value of $30 million as determined by his will and testament.

Kris Kristofferson – Was in the Air Force

The multi-talented singer and actor Kris Kristofferson joined the US army in 1960. This particular entry isn’t that surprising, after all, he does come from a military family. Fortunately for Kris he managed to complete his English Literature Degree and was able to obtain this before beginning his time in the military. He trained at ranger school and gained experience as a pilot, eventually becoming a captain. His time with the army didn’t last long, however. Kris later left to follow his music dreams. Kris has had a very lucrative career despite his parents disowning him upon leaving the military.

John Coltrane – Served in the Navy

John Coltrane was an exceptional Jazz saxophonist for his time. Upon joining the Navy, the US had dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. He served at Pearl Harbor upon completion of his training. While his naval duties involved security or duties in the kitchen, he also served in a band to entertain the local military. In 1967 he continued to build his career but passed from liver cancer and left his investments to his family.

Johnny Cash – Represented the Airforce

Johnny Cash passed more than 15 years ago but his music and his investments remain alive today. The popularity of Cash’s music help him avoid bankruptcy and financial difficulties but in 1950 he became part of the US Airforce where he received standard training in San Antonio. At the same time, cash decided to start his own band. In 1954 he received an honorable discharge but never forgot about his love for music. He recorded his first song in 1954.

Ernest Hemmingway – Was an Ambulance Driver

Ernest Hemmingway is known as a Nobel peace prize winner and an incredible author. In World War I, he became part of the Red Cross Ambulance when he turned 18 years of age. Hemmingway would often serve the soldiers sweets or sell cigarettes but suffered an accident while on duty. Although he only served for 2 months, the accident ended his army career. He spent 6 months recovering in hospital. It was in 1961 that Hemmingway committed suicide. He had suffered depression during his time. His investments totaled $1.4 million upon his passing.

James Stewart – Served in the Air Force

As an astounding Hollywood actor. James Stewart was best known for his acting roles and not for problems such as bankruptcy or any type of poor media appearances. In the infantry, Stewart pursued the goal of becoming a pilot. At the age of 30 years, he received a piloting license that he would later use in the US army. He became a Brigadier General but his career in the military was cut short as he was too underweight. Stewart returned to the army in 1941 and served until the late 1960s.

Henry Fonda – Joined the Navy

Henry Fonda was already an established actor when he decided to do his part for his country by enlisting with the army. The star became part of the US Navy in World War II where he earned a bronze star and the honor of a presidential citation. He had the good fortune of resuming his acting career. Henry Fonda’s life was not without misgivings. He had to rely on his lawyer when going through a difficult divorce and experienced four marriages. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer but died from a heart attack at the age of 82.