As the person who sang the song My Heart Will Go On, Celine has succeeded in writing her name in gold because her aforementioned song is one that the entire world can never forget as it was featured in the ever famous movie, Titanic. Her voice is so sweet that everyone will like to be with her, and of all her suitors, Rene was the lucky man to take her hand in marriage. They were very comfortable and could have any house of their choice without recourse to a mortgage, home loans, refinance loans, or other forms of loans.

Although these lovebirds never had problems regarding their earnings, they have a heartbreaking story. They did everything possible to stay together irrespective of the age gap between them. Unfortunately, Rene gave up the ghost owing to cancer. Following the death of her husband, Celine vowed that never again would she fall in love with another man because the pain she went through as a result of her husband’s condition was too much for her to bear.