Not all companies who need financial support ask for loans. Much like Jimmy Kimmel’s unconventional weight loss journey, he apparently needed an easy way to lose pounds without going under the difficult task of those grueling exercise routines. He lost 25 pounds by taking protein shakes and eating a small dinner instead of having two meals a day. He adopted the 5:2 intermittent fasting plan or Fast Diet, which he has been doing for several years now.

So far, the said program has been the most effective for his body type. The way it goes, the TV host sticks to a strict 2,000-calorie-a-day count. Because of that, he had scheduled his meals. For example, he restricts his diet on Mondays and Tuesdays and eats whatever he wants on two other days. Although his investment paid off, on medical grounds, do not try this at home! This does not work for everyone, and you have to consult a nutritionist to do it. Proper exercise and diet should go hand in hand.