Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake – $20.2 Million, New York

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are one of wealthiest power couples in the industry. With a combined network of about $270 million, they can unquestionably buy anything they want and have an extravagant lifestyle. The couple owns a $20.2-million penthouse in a New York City building, where other celebrities like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively live. It features an indoor pool that their 4-year-old son, definitely enjoys.

Having a property in New York is an excellent investment planning. Although it comes with high home insurance costs, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel will have no problem paying for it, even if they use their credit cards. With their net worth, they could easily add another luxury property to their ownership. Justin & Jessica also have a long list of film and music projects over the next few years. Without a doubt, they’re bound to earn more money. However, this power couple isn’t in a hurry to move out. They may be able to afford a more luxurious property, but they love their $20.2-million penthouse as it is.