Novak Djokovic – $15 Million, Miami

One of the best tennis players in the world is Novak Djokovic. Currently residing in Miami, he owns a home in Eighty-Seven Park located in South Florida City. This property comes with a total of five bedrooms, a big dining room, a private garden, and all other luxurious amenities. The house may have fewer bedrooms than other properties on this list but with the design and personal taste put into this house, gazing upon the interior for the first time will surely impress anyone.

The home insurance that he pays will undoubtedly be more than the mortgage that most of us are currently paying. However, given Novak Djokovic’s current net worth that’s estimated to be $200 million and is continuously growing, this should be no worry. He probably would never need personal loans in this lifetime. Financial management and dedication to keep striving for success are two of the main reasons why Novak’s wealth has only kept increasing until today and we’re interested to see what kind of real estate investment he’s going to add to his portfolio next.