30. Merci Docteur Rey (2002)

Starring: Dianne Weist, Jane Birkin, Stanislas Merhar

Directed By: Andrew Litvack

Merci Docteur Rey is a rated R LGBTQ+ comedy written and directed by Andrew Litvack. It has a simple premise. A gay man, played by Stanislas Merhar, tells a fake psychiatrist, played by Jane Berkin, that he witnessed a murder. Off the bat, the film didn’t do too well at the box office with a measly gross of $19.6k. It is safe to assume that the film’s studio and producers were not happy with their investments. Along with its commercial failure was the string of negative reviews that the movie received from film critics. The critics’consensus states that the movie tries too hard to be sophisticated but greatly lacks the writing and coherent narrative that is greatly needed.

On the other hand, the audience reviews were much kinder. The director and cast members can take solace in that. The film received an acceptable 65% audience score, which is a great contrast to the Tomatometer of 0%.