Nancy McKeon – Age 53

Nancy McKeon is known for her show titled The Facts of Life, in which she played the role of tomboy Jo. Fans of the show adore her roles. Having proper money management, she never had experienced bankruptcy. Also, her looks still remain the same. Despite her age, she still got a glow of beauty. One fun fact about Nancy is that she auditioned for the legendary hit TV show Friends during her earlier days in acting.

The role of Monica Geller was obviously for Courteney Cox, but our very own Nancy had her eye on the character during that time as well. Even though she didn’t get the part, she had other careers after that. You know what they say, everything happens for a reason. Imagine how Monica’s character would have been if Nancy had gotten the role. It must have been so different from how Courteney portrayed it. The world would’ve known a different Monica Geller.