These Celebrities Major Body Transformation Will Put You In Awe

The word “celebrity” comes with a lot of meanings for everyone. For some, it means someone under the spotlight, making money through their fame and beauty. For others, it means someone who has perfect both beauty and physique, but it’s not always like that.

Celebrities are human, too, and they have to put in a degree of hard work to maintain whatever they have—whether it’s a successful career, a toned, sexy body, or a beautiful face. It doesn’t come easily, mind you.

They didn’t just sit there and have everything they got, like a fruit that falls from a tree. Even the likes of the most successful stars started small until they made it big. The same thing goes for maintaining their bodies. They spend hours in the gym and refuse all the food that will add up to weight to have that body and glow that men and women alike dream of. Not easy, right?

With that being said, meet this list of celebrities who have shown a major body transformation that will surely put you in awe.

50 Cent

50 Cent is not only known for his great musical talent. He is also known for his buff body. So, when he lost 50 pounds for a role in the movie All Things Fall Apart, he called out to everyone who made fun of his weight loss.The famed rapper hollered at the people who made fun of his discipline but couldn’t even lose weight or two to look good.

However, when he called these people “fat,” he would be accused of fat-shaming them. 50 Cent later cleared that he accepted the role and tried to lose a lot of weight for a late friend, and he should earn credits for that instead of hate. He dramatically lost 54 pounds in just a matter of nine weeks.

Abby Lee Miller

Abby Lee Miller has been known for being a little on the heavier side when she did Dance Moms. So, when she went from size 24 to size 16, many were surprised. No, she didn’t opt for any medical procedures or a crazy diet and exercise; it was simply because of a lap-band method. In fact, she never meant to lose weight.

It was just the result of a series of unfortunate events in her life, from needing an attorney to fight all her legal cases to other personal problems.Though it was quite conventional, Miller was still thankful for all the praises. Despite the body transformation, she still didn’t see herself as slim, so she felt like she still had a long way to go.

Adam Richman

Adam Richman faced the challenge of Man v. Food, literally. However, instead of devouring a number of huge burgers, he beat his overeating. The 47-year-old host has successfully shed a whopping 70 pounds. He shows off the incredible weight loss in a dramatic fashion—he poses for the centerfold of a magazine, wearing only cleats, socks, a strategically placed soccer ball.

So how did Richman do it despite eating 72-ounce steaks for a show that might have depleted its credit card? He simply exercised and ate healthy off the set. Though he missed the food, Richman revealed he enjoyed the benefits of being healthier. He didn’t even get jealous when he saw his crew eating pizza while he had almonds and yogurt.


Adele surprised everyone when she showed her 100-pound weight loss. It wasn’t an easy feat, though. It took her two years to finally reach her target weight, and it all went down to her healthy lifestyle change and an upgraded fitness routine, which was composed of weight lifting and circuit training, among others. Though she didn’t reveal if she took online classes for that, she admitted she worked with some of the most known trainers in a gym to achieve her much-healthier body.

It all started back in 2019 when she introduced a much-slimmer body that turned everyone’s head. The Hello hitmaker posted another snap, and many couldn’t believe her body transformation. Since then, Adele is now often seen wearing sexy outfits that hugged her envy-inducing curves.

Al Roker

Al Roker admitted to really liking food that his weight had reached 340 pounds. Aside from affecting his health, it also affected his personal life and marriage that he almost ended up nearing a lawyer for their legal separation. With the promise he made to his father, Roker decided to finally drop the weight.He underwent gastric bypass surgery and lost a surprising 100 pounds.

An unfortunate life event also caused him to lose 40 pounds more, and to avoid getting back the extra pounds, the weather presenter revealed he is now more in control and controlling his food intake. Now, he only has a couple of spoonfuls, and he’s done. Roker also follows an exercise routine, which he called a slow method that involves 30 minutes of high-intensity sessions three times a week.

Alec Baldwin

If Alec Baldwin has to give anyone credits for losing weight, it is to Pete Davidson. In an interview with Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend, he said he unintentionally inspired his Saturday Night Live co-star for his weight-loss transformation.It all started when Baldwin saw Davidson remove his shirt on the set and had a glimpse of his cuts.

The actor asked the younger star what he was doing to obtain that. Davidson revealed he was doing 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups a day, and Baldwin started doing it, resulting in losing 100 pounds, and it was all because of Davidson himself. He confirmed Davidson’s story is true, and he even surpassed the number of pushups and sit-ups Davidson did. In fact, Baldwin did 125 to 150 a day.

America Ferrera

After suffering years of scrutiny due to her weight, America Ferrera now embraces her new body after losing 30 pounds. She is now proud of her curves; thanks to the degree of hard work she has put into it.Ferrera said she now understands her body is a miracle. She now loves it unapologetically after the criticisms, punishments, deprivation, and neglect for not having a perfect body.

She also thanked her body for standing with her despite neglecting it for years. From then, the actress promised herself to stand by her body and bring down all the criticisms and negative distractions about her physique, whether it’s inside or the outside. Ferrera also advised the young girls to focus on their passion rather than their body size.

Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer made her body her own major investment. After showing off an incredible weight loss, she proudly gives everyone a glimpse of her much-leaner figure after her liposuction—and she’s every bit proud of it. The actress revealed she feels good after her body transformation and even calls what she has been through a journey. She also thanked a couple of people for helping her get back her strength.

Schumer revealed she is now down to 170 pounds. She admitted she never thought that she would opt for plastic surgery. But after her uterus didn’t contract for two and a half years and she has turned 40, it looked she had to. Schumer added her lifelong pain had been lifted out of her body, and she is now a changed person.

Angie Stone

Angie Stone first made a name in the music industry back in the ’70s and ’80s, working with the biggest names in the business, like Lenny Kravitz. After three decades on the field, she is now one of the most respected musical artists with her experience and contribution to the music industry.However, aside from a successful music career, Stone also wants to succeed in losing weight.

So, in 2006, she joined VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club. Even though she didn’t win, ending up losing only under 20 pounds, it was already a big achievement on her part. She then experienced a wake-up call when she learned a piece of bad news about her health. She then decided to take action and managed to lose 75 pounds. Credits to that close call and her hard work, Stone now looks much younger, slimmer, and healthier.

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood is proud of her new body after working hard for it. Though she decided to stop focusing on bouncing back after being unable to run fast or lift heavy stuff before giving birth to her second child, she chose to appreciate her body more. However, it didn’t mean she would just give up.

She promised herself to stop analyzing every angle, curve, pound, and meal and stay focused on her goal. She knew it was a journey, and she had a dream to work out for.With that being said, Underwood didn’t mind spending extra to get back in shape and used her credit card to follow a vegan diet. She also worked with a trainer, making Underwood feel much better.