Queen of Radio Wendy Williams reigned from 1986 to 2009, starting her career with WVIS, a reggae and calypso-oriented station in the US Virgin Islands. She did not like her work there because she was not learning and it has low pay, so she began sending demo tapes to other radio stations. Williams, later on, became successful after getting a break with WRKS.

There is not much to tell when it comes to cars, other than most of her vehicles were actually that of her former husband, Kevin Hunter. One of the vehicles they owned was a $220,000 worth red Bentley SUV where the DJ has been seen alighting from on several instances. Williams also had one of her former husband’s Ferrari towed. There were allegations that the money used to buy the $215,000 Ferrari Portofino was Williams’, so she claimed the right to have it repossessed, and her lawyer agreed.