Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest men in the world today. He currently sits on a fortune worth $100 billion that’s still growing as we speak! With a fortune worth $100 billion, you’d think that he would be driving the hottest and fastest cars available today. On the contrary, Zuckerberg drives a modest Honda Fit. Without a doubt, he’s one of the most down-to-earth people that you’d ever see today.

Zuckerberg certainly doesn’t like to show off his massive wealth with the car that he drives. His Honda Fit is definitely a reliable car that can take him from point A to point B. These cars usually go for less than $30K, and we’re more than confident that he didn’t need a money loan to help pay for this car. Along with his small Honda, Zuckerberg also owns a Volkswagen Golf and an Acura TSX.