Caught By The Door

This is a surefire way to end up in a heap of trouble. To begin with, she’s on the phone. It’s common knowledge that if you don’t have a hands-free device, never drive while talking on your cellular device.

She probably didn’t see her locks getting caught in the door because she was flouting the rules. If you didn’t notice that a part of your body had been trapped by the automobile door, you must be completely absorbed by whatever you’re doing. If she doesn’t catch on sooner, this is going to be a disaster.

A Car Is Not A Boat

It is pretty dangerous to operate a vehicle in weather that can put you in hazardous scenarios like this one. Particularly in a storm, driving might be perilous. On the other hand, driving during a flood warning is a horrible idea. It only takes three inches of water for your car to drift away.

So picture how this woman feels as she tries to navigate this road that has turned into a canal. It begs the question of what this woman was trying to do because it couldn’t have all happened instantaneously.

Pile Up

If you’re going down the road and you get into an accident, your first reaction is likely to be panic, followed by fear, and finally, sorrow. Still, the way these feelings manifest themselves varies from person to person.

In this image, we see a ride that has flipped over on its side, two additional automobiles that have wrecked, and the main perpetrator, of course, has extensive front-end damage. Nonetheless, it appears that the driver and her passenger are not only unscathed but also entirely unconcerned about what has just occurred.

Granny’s Day Out

When it comes to the notion that women are lousy drivers, older women likely suffer the worst of it. Even in driving, old grannies have a reputation for being slow. This might not be the case for everybody, as we can’t picture this grandmother driving slowly enough to terrify her dog.

This epic image shows this pet dog with a clearly frightened and anxious expression as they enjoy a day drive. We’re not sure which of them is enjoying the ride because even the grandma’s face isn’t all that joyous.

Wet Cement

We absolutely understand how challenging it is to find a nice parking spot, particularly when you’re on a busy lane in a bustling city. Apart from avoiding parking near construction sites for safety reasons, people should always be aware of areas where wet cement is being poured since if you get entangled in it, it will take a lot of work to get out.

If this were a construction zone, the driver is indeed violating the law. As if stopping on wet cement wasn’t terrible enough, the automobile looks to have been left there while the cement cured.

Throwing Gas Money Away

Getting gas for your auto is a relatively straightforward process. However, this does not rule out the possibility of human error. This woman appears to have attempted to connect the pump’s nozzle on the wrong side of the vehicle.

This implies that she is attempting to pump petrol into the vehicle, but the car is unable to accept it because she’s going about it all wrong, and no one is helping out. Gas costs have been steadily rising for several years; therefore, knowing which side is the right side to avoid wastage is critical.

Didn’t I Buy Groceries?

Women are more likely to become distracted by circumstances due to being overwhelmed by the different obligations they have in their lives and the many other challenges they face. This person was definitely in a hurry, as evidenced by the fact that she left everything on her auto’s roof, including her coffee and handbag.

You might be surprised to find that this isn’t the first time people have forgotten something as crucial as their house keys on the roof of their ride for days. We sincerely hope no items were missing.

Always Take Safety Precautions

Safety is paramount when it comes to automobiles since lives are on the line. Before stepping out to get gas, make sure your auto is turned off, secured, and the brakes are engaged. Unless you’re looking for an explosion, try to avoid leaving the engine running when stopping at a gas station.

Safety measures can be inconvenient at times, but they are totally worth it. Nonetheless, it appears that this woman did not get the memo, and we are puzzled as to why no one, including the photographer, is saying anything.

Paying Attention Is Important

Guys assume the worst when it comes to women and vehicles, as if men don’t make awful driving judgments. We don’t know which gender is guilty for this hilarious picture, despite seeing women in several horrible situations in this story.

Could it be that someone forgot they were filling their gas tank or that the gas pump got stuck while they were rushing away? How can a simple picture have so many flaws? Who will be held accountable for the damage that has already been done? We’ve got so many questions!

I Didn’t Mean It!

For the situation at hand, the expression of “uh oh” on this lady’s face aptly describes it. Never underestimate the power and capability of a small automobile in some situations; it has the strength and capacity of a large truck! Towing is a little more challenging than you would think.

Whether it’s an RV or a small bike like this, one sudden turn might flip your goods onto its side. Or, much worse, cause a multi-vehicle collision. The woman’s look is amusing as she realizes that the auto she’s trying to tow has more driving power than the vehicle she intended to use for the towing.